16 sept 2013

Mobile-first responsive menu without Bootstrap

I found this useful Codrops' tutorial for creating a responsive menu that looks good in mobile, tablets and desktop. It is a very complete and includes a beautiful design, but there were a lot of things I had to change from it in order to adapt it to my needs. For example, I didn't want to use that design (I was looking for a Bootstrap Navbar-like menu, but I wanted it to be more flexible, to respond to vertical-align, etc.), I was interested in using a mobile first approach, etc. So here is a base version of a responsive mobile-first menu, so you can add your own pretty CSS to it without overwriting another person's (but remember this doesn't support < Internet Explorer 8).

Here is a jsFiddle with a demo of the complete code. I repeat, this code, including the CSS, just makes the menu functional, it's just a base code, meaning I don't add any extra styles, so you can use your own.

12 sept 2013

Game development competition - Low-level Jam

An interesting new miniLD (game development competition in which a single person must program a game in 48 hours) was presented today. Its goal is to develop (or try to develop) a game using C, C++ or assembly language, so you have the opportunity to have fun while understanding how the computer works. In other words, it's an educational game jam that motivates you to learn more about low-level development (that's why it's called Low-level jam, duh).

You can find all the information you need about it at the Ludum Dare site.

5 sept 2013

Ib [game review]

Ib is a free RPG Maker horror video game that caught my attention when I saw it in the first place of a top 10 games list (I was actually looking for reviews about Mad Father, which I heard it's a great game and was in the third place of that list). Ib is short, I finished it in about 4 hours or less, but I found it pleasant, for an RPG Maker game developed by one person, of couse.