17 nov 2011

New Stanford online free courses


As perhaps you know, Stanford University offered three online courses for free that started in October: Introduction to Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning and Introduction to Databases.

Well, it seems they have been a success, because Stanford is offering new courses that start next January and February. These are:

- Human-computer Interfaces, by Scott Klemmer. It starts January 2012.

- Natural Language Processing, by Chris Manning and Dan Jurafsky. It starts January 2012.

- Game Theory, by Matthew Jackson and Yoav Shoham. It starts January 2012.

- Probabilistic Graphical Models, by Daphne Koller. It starts January 2012.

- Machine Learning, by Andrew Ng. It starts January 2012.

- Cryptography, by Dan Boneh. It starts January 2012.

- Design and Analysis of Algorithms I, by Tim Roughgarden. It starts January 2012.

- Computer Science 101, by Nick Parlante. It starts February 2012.

- Software Engineering for Software as a Service, by Armando Fox and David Patterson. It starts February 2012.

I couldn't be any happier about the posibility to access these courses for free as part of an open education initative.

14 nov 2011

Charla de Videojuegos (15 de Noviembre) - Córdoba

Quería compartir la información que me llegó por mail hoy. Muchas gracias a Elías por avisarme de la charla. :D
Quería informarles que el día martes 15 de Noviembre a las 20hs. en el Aula 106 (Facultad de Ciencias Exactas, Físicas y Naturales - UNC) se realizará una charla sobre Videojuegos.

La charla estará a cargo de Amaury Dudcoschi Junior (Brasil).

En la charla se recorrerán diversos temas de videojuegos:
- Historia
- Clasificación
- Mercado
- Entidades gubernamentales
- Edutainmeint
- Game Aprendizaje
- Serious games
- Game design
- Realidad aumentada
- Kinnect
- Wavi Xtion Pro
- Desarrollo
  + Xbox 360 – Microsoft xna
  + Android – Google app android
  + Java mobiles – Netbeans IDE
  + 3d Game studio
  + Game editor
  + Flash
  + Java FX
  + Html5
- Eventos de desarrolladores
- Libros
- Games curiosidades

11 nov 2011

Android Bootcamp 101 en Córdoba (25 de Noviembre)

El día Viernes 25 de Noviembre se realiza el primer Android Bootcamp gratuito en Córdoba, organizado por el Google Technology User Group de Córdoba y la Facultad de Matemática, Astronomía y Física (FaMAF) de la UNC.

El evento, dirigido a desarrolladores, tiene como finalidad introducir los conceptos básicos de programación en Android y presentar las nuevas características a quienes ya tengan experiencia en la plataforma.

La inscripción estará abierta hasta el 18 de Noviembre, inclusive.

La información sobre el evento (muy completa) y el link para la inscripción se encuentran en este enlace.

7 nov 2011

NINJA-IDE plugins contest!

 I should have written this post a while ago, but well, better late than never.

There is a NINJA-IDE plugins contest going on!

NINJA-IDE (which stands for "Ninja-IDE Is Not Just Another IDE") is a free, open source (under GPLv3 license) Argentinian integrated development environment for the Python programming language. It's a great IDE, and every day more and more people are using it.

Its creators want to improve this project even more. What better way to do it than encourage people to contribute through a contest? You're able to create your own plugin for NINJA-IDE and submit it to the official web site. The contest ends December 22nd, and the first, second and third plugin with the highest scores will receive U$S 250, U$S 150 and U$S 100, respectively.

What are you waiting for? You have the opportunity to contribute to a great open source project and get a nice prize for it! Instructions to participate in the contest can be found here. The tutorial for creating plugins is here. You can also join the NINJA-IDE IRC channel at Freenode (#ninja-ide) and ask any questions you might have.