As perhaps you know, Stanford University offered three online courses for free that started in October: Introduction to Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning and Introduction to Databases.
Well, it seems they have been a success, because Stanford is offering new courses that start next January and February. These are:
- Human-computer Interfaces, by Scott Klemmer. It starts January 2012.
- Natural Language Processing, by Chris Manning and Dan Jurafsky. It starts January 2012.
- Game Theory, by Matthew Jackson and Yoav Shoham. It starts January 2012.
- Probabilistic Graphical Models, by Daphne Koller. It starts January 2012.
- Machine Learning, by Andrew Ng. It starts January 2012.
- Cryptography, by Dan Boneh. It starts January 2012.
- Design and Analysis of Algorithms I, by Tim Roughgarden. It starts January 2012.
- Computer Science 101, by Nick Parlante. It starts February 2012.
- Software Engineering for Software as a Service, by Armando Fox and David Patterson. It starts February 2012.
I couldn't be any happier about the posibility to access these courses for free as part of an open education initative.
I couldn't be any happier about the posibility to access these courses for free as part of an open education initative.