22 nov 2013
Outlast (PC) [review]
19 nov 2013
ADOPTA, no compres
Dos videos explicando por qué deberías adoptar un perro en vez de comprarlo, si estás pensando en tener uno.
16 sept 2013
Mobile-first responsive menu without Bootstrap
I found this useful Codrops' tutorial for creating a responsive menu that looks good in mobile, tablets and desktop. It is a very complete and includes a beautiful design, but there were a lot of things I had to change from it in order to adapt it to my needs. For example, I didn't want to use that design (I was looking for a Bootstrap Navbar-like menu, but I wanted it to be more flexible, to respond to vertical-align, etc.), I was interested in using a mobile first approach, etc. So here is a base version of a responsive mobile-first menu, so you can add your own pretty CSS to it without overwriting another person's (but remember this doesn't support < Internet Explorer 8).
Here is a jsFiddle with a demo of the complete code. I repeat, this code, including the CSS, just makes the menu functional, it's just a base code, meaning I don't add any extra styles, so you can use your own.
12 sept 2013
Game development competition - Low-level Jam
An interesting new miniLD (game development competition in which a single person must program a game in 48 hours) was presented today. Its goal is to develop (or try to develop) a game using C, C++ or assembly language, so you have the opportunity to have fun while understanding how the computer works. In other words, it's an educational game jam that motivates you to learn more about low-level development (that's why it's called Low-level jam, duh).
You can find all the information you need about it at the Ludum Dare site.
5 sept 2013
Ib [game review]
2 ago 2013
elegilegi: un juego para elegir legisladores que votan como vos
Aprovecho la cercanía de las elecciones legislativas para difundir esta genial aplicación, elegilegi, sin más explicaciones porque creo que las del sitio web son bastante claras:
Para más información sobre el proyecto pueden escuchar la entrevista que se le hizo a Martin Szyszlican al respecto.
1 ago 2013
The Walking Dead [game review]
Steam summer sales ended and my wallet is happy about it, but they didn't end soon enough to stop my attention from being caught by The Walking Dead, and I bought it though I was expecting yet another zombie shooter game. I got excited when I found out it was a graphic adventure instead, and as a graphic adventures fan I have quite a few things to say about this game.
16 jul 2013
Richard Stallman: Snowden & Assange besieged by empire but not defeated
Yet another great interview to Richard Stallman, who speaks about PRISM and individual privacy rights.
10 may 2013
Filly's Life VIII
J-Drama: a staple of Japanese television and are broadcast daily.
17 feb 2013
[HOW TO] Paginate a Django formset
Last month I needed to paginate a Django model formset and I couldn't find the way to do it, but I found posts asking the same question without an answer, so here is my solution:
In the forms.py file:
class MyForm(ModelForm): class Meta: model = MyModel fields = ('description',)In the views.py file:
FormSet = modelformset_factory(MyModel, form=MyForm, extra=0) if request.method == 'POST': formset = FormSet(request.POST, request.FILES) if formset.is_valid(): formset.save() return HttpResponse('Formset submited!') else: query = MyModel.objects.filter(condition) paginator = Paginator(query, 10) # Show 10 forms per page page = request.GET.get('page') try: objects = paginator.page(page) except PageNotAnInteger: objects = paginator.page(1) except EmptyPage: objects = paginator.page(paginator.num_pages) page_query = MyModel.objects.filter(id__in=[object.id for object in objects]) formset = FormSet(queryset=page_query) context = {'objects': objects, 'formset': formset} return render_to_response('template.html', context, context_instance=RequestContext(request))
You need to create the formset with the objects in the present page, otherwise, when you try to do formset = FormSet(request.POST, request.FILES) in the POST method, Django raises a MultiValueDictKeyError error.
In the template.html file:
{% extends "base.html" %} {% block content %}Paginated formset
{% if objects %}
There are no objects.
{% endif %} {% endblock %}14 feb 2013
Sprint Django en Córdoba (23 de Febrero)
La idea es que nos juntemos y entre todos aprendamos entre otras cosas cómo es el flujo de trabajo para implementar o proponer un feature o bugfix en Django. No hace falta experiencia previa al respecto, solo llevar ganas y tu portátil, no llevar miedos ni vergüenzas. Planeamos armar una charla introductoria cortísima para entrar en calor y nivelar aspectos básicos. ¡Los esperamos!
El evento se va a realizar en las oficinas de Machinalis, Paraguay 70 (ver mapa), el 23 de Febrero, desde las 10 a.m. hasta las 18 p.m.
Se pueden anotar desde la página del evento en Lanyrd.
Para más información sobre los sprints de Django, pueden visitar el sitio del framework.